HOPEWELL: Historic schoolhouse gets roof replacement

The team from Wyckoff Roofing working to complete the installation of the cedar shingle new roof at the historic Harts Corner Schoolhouse., Wyckoff Roofing volunteered to install the new roof working with Hopewell Township and its Historic Preservation Commission who provided the materials. The new roof was installed just before the latest snow and rain event., From Colonial Times through the 19th Century, America was dominated by a proliferation of schools built and run by religious organizations. Hart’s Corner school was one of the township’s first public schools established by the municipal government and local citizens; it was not affiliated with any religious organization., The Hart’s Corner schoolhouse set the foundation for the beginning of public school education in Hopewell Township. Hart’s Corner was named after Hopewell Township resident, Aaron Hart. He owned the land in 1875 on the east side of Scotch Road and managed a blacksmith shop on the corner., The Hopewell Township Historic Preservation Commission works with property owners to preserve the Township’s rich history and meets at 7 p.m on the third Tuesday of each month in the Hopewell Township Municipal Building.