Senior group sets meeting, schedules excursions

Our Lady of Victories (OLV) Seniors will host its next gathering 1:30 p.m. April 7 in the church’s Monsignor Dalton Hall, Main Street, Sayreville. All seniors are invited to join the group.

After a short business meeting, a guest speaker will discuss Medicare fraud. Participants, who are invited to wear something “spring like” to display their Easter spirit, also are asked to bring a food donation for the St. Vincent de Paul Society Pantry. Dessert will be served after the speaker’s presentation.

Deposits are due for upcoming trips including: June 8, “Legends of Pop,” Hunterdon Hills Playhouse, Hampton; July 10-14, Pittsburgh and Cleveland; July 15, “The Land We Love,” Hunterdon Hills Playhouse; Aug. 30-31, Hudson Valley, New York; Sept. 14, Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum, New York City; Oct. 13-17, Vermont and New Hampshire; Nov. 8, “Miracle of Christmas,” Sight and Sound Theatre, Strasburg, Pa.

For more information on the group and its trips, call Teri at 732-727-7639.