MONTGOMERY: Township to explore feasibility of community center renovations, expansion

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
Montgomery Township officials are preparing to conduct a feasibility study that will focus on possible renovations and expansions to the Otto Kaufman Community Center on Skillman Road., The suggestion for the possible expansion to the senior citizens center grew out of a survey conducted last year by the Montgomery Township Recreation Committee., The Recreation Committee conducts occasional surveys to gauge interest in existing programs and to listen to suggestions for new ones. The goal of the 2016 survey was to find out what residents want today, and what they might like to see in the future, said Stephen Shueh, who served on the subcommittee that reviewed the results., Based on comments from 734 respondents, the top issues that emerged were the dusty conditions of the parking lots at the township parks, as well as improvements to the tennis courts, Shueh said. Respondents noted the lack of signage and also called for overall better maintenance of the parks., In response to the survey, the entrances and parking lots at Veterans Park and Mill Pond Park have been resurfaced. New signs have been ordered for all of the parks, which will be uniform in design and also include icons or pictorials of the offerings at each park. Maintenance issues are expected to be resolved because the township has hired two new full-time parks maintenance workers., Shueh said the issue of tennis courts was not included in the survey, but it was “the number one write-in response.”, The issue of tennis courts reflects the “balkanization” of tennis courts, he said. Residents who belong to the Cherry Valley or Bedens Brook country clubs or the Nassau Racquet Club may not see it as an issue, but those who do not belong to private groups indicated there are not enough tennis courts, he added., The survey also pointed to the need for more amenities in the parks, such as shade structures, restrooms and water fountains. Parents who watch their children play soccer would appreciate some measure of shade, he said. A shade structure was added to Mill Pond Park in 2015., Additional suggestions for an indoor full-size gym, a track, turf fields, a splashpark or sprayground for children and an amphitheater could be combined in one new facility, but a feasibility study would be needed before any action would be taken., It was suggested that the Otto Kaufman Community Center gym could be enlarged to become a full-size gym. A turf field and a track could be built outside for use by the senior citizens. A splash park and an amphitheater could be built on an adjacent 30-acre property known as the Brown Tract., An outdoor swimming pool was also suggested in the survey, but the subcommittee members agreed that residents should be informed of public swimming pools in the area – the Community Park pool in Princeton, as well as the Montgomery High School indoor swimming pool., The survey results also revealed a lack of awareness among residents about the Recreation Department’s programs and facilities. An information packet, outlining the offerings and mapping out the location of township parks, may be prepared. Information could also be disseminated online., Mayor Ed Trzaska said that expanding the Otto Kaufman Community Center is a good idea, but the township needs to make sure that the existing facilities are used before new ones, such as the Brown Tract, are developed., “We have to make the best use of what we have,” Mayor Trzaska said., Shueh said the “top priority” is an indoor facility, but the question is where to build it. He said that when he is a senior citizen, “I don’t want to walk around a parking lot” for exercise.