Route 518 bridge replacement nearing completion

Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer, The on-again, off-again project to replace the bridge on Route 518 that crosses over the Delaware and Raritan Canal at the edge of Rocky Hill Borough is “on” again., The $2.75 million bridge replacement project should be completed by the end of April., Work to replace the Route 518 bridge, which is on the border between Rocky Hill Borough and Franklin Township, began on July 7, 2016. The bridge was supposed to be closed for three to four weeks., But on July 8, Gov. Chris Christie issued an executive order to stop work on all non-essential state-funded projects because the Transportation Trust Fund in the state Department of Transportation had run out of money., Once the issue of re-funding the Transportation Trust Fund was resolved several weeks later, work on the Route 518 bridge resumed., The project was supposed to be completed by the end of February, but work was halted when workers discovered creosote, which is a wood treatment chemical, in the ground and water., That issue has been resolved, and work has started again on the Route 518 bridge., The beams have been installed and concrete is expected to be poured for the concrete deck, said Steve Schapiro, the communications director for the state Department of Transportation., Once the concrete deck has been poured, the work that remains to be completed includes finishing the approaches on both sides of the bridge, installing the bridge railing and guide rail, and striping, he said., Also, the sidewalks must be installed and electrical work associated with the crosswalks must be completed, Schapiro said.