HILLSBOROUGH: Police honor trio of “Top Cops” for 2017

Three veteran officers of the Hillsborough Police Department were recently venerated for their work on the force after being selected as the agency’s “Top Cops.”, Officers Joseph Paschall, Jason Beverett and Craig Heindrichs were awarded the title for their work throughout 2016., According to department officials, two officers are normally selected each year, one from each patrol squad, based on a score from the Annual Job Performance Evaluations and the opinions of their supervisors and fellow officers., Officials said this year was special, however, as it was the first time that two officers were tied for the highest ranking in the same squad., All three officers were formally recognized by the department and received an acknowledgment of their accomplishment in their personnel files. In addition, they will have their names engraved on a plaque in the police headquarters’ lobby and will be awarded a merit bar to be worn above their badge., Committeeman Frank DelCore said Officers Paschall, Beverett and Heindrichs were prime examples of the township’s police force., “We are fortunate here in Hillsborough to have a force of superior police officers, but to be recognized by your peers as a ‘Top Cop’ for going above the call of duty is quite an achievement,” Committeeman Frank DelCore said. “Congratulations to Officers Paschall, Beverett and Heindrichs for exemplifying the high standards of our police department.”