Young Freehold Township softball team progressing quickly

By Jeff Appelblatt

Over the course of the week, teams saw many games between April 3-9 get rained out. It was just one of those spans for some teams in which it was much easier to appreciate victories than be disappointed in losses.

Freehold Township High School’s softball team was much prouder of its win against crosstown rival Freehold High School than it was saddened by its loss to Lacey Township High School.

On April 5 in Freehold Township, the Patriots erupted for 16 runs and beat the Colonials, 16-2.

Winning pitcher Kayla Loges struck out seven and gave up only two hits. She also led the way on the offensive end, going 3-for-4 with a home run and three RBIs. Kiersten Withstandley and Lauren Pscolka also chipped in with three hits apiece, while Lauren Andersen and Taylor Tobey each hit two.

At the time, it was the first win in two chances for the Patriots. Things were looking up.

“Our leading hitters as of right now are freshman Lauren Pscolka and sophomores Kiersten Withstandley and Kayla Loges,” head coach Mike Stoia said looking back on his team’s first few games.

He felt the same way after Freehold Township’s third game April 8 vs. Lacey. The Patriots committed five errors and lost to the Lions, 6-2.

“We were able to get girls on base and in scoring position three innings. We were only able to capitalize in the sixth inning, though,” Stoia said, remembering the base runners his team left on base in the first few innings as opposed to a pair of runs that scored in the sixth.

“We only have two seniors in the program and three juniors,” Stoia said. “The rest of the girls are freshmen and sophomores.

“We are developing an identity right now, but we are definitely getting better each game.”

The idea of figuring things out while the team is so young has Freehold Township’s coach excited. He figures the team will have multiple years to learn and play together as a team.

“I have about 12 freshmen [and] sophomores on a varsity team,” Stoia said. “We have a lot of talent, and we are deep.”

That talent will continue looking forward, starting with its next game April 12 at 10 a.m. in Freehold Township against division foe Manalapan High School.

Stoia will remain focused on the big picture.

“This year is just the start to something special at Freehold Township High School,” he said.