WEST WINDSOR: School district adopts new policy on electronic devices

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
Acknowledging the spread of electronic mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets and laptop computers, a new policy regarding their use has been approved by the West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District’s Board of Education., The new policy states that there is an educational value in using smart phones, tablets and laptop computers as instructional tools, but students need guidance on how to use them., While those devices are permitted in the classroom, the new policy bans electronic devices whose intended use is solely for gaming and entertainment purposes. If it is brought to school, it must be turned off. It may be confiscated if a student is found to be using it during the school day., Meanwhile, students may use smart phones, tablets and laptop computers in the classroom and during class time only if the teacher allows them to do so. They can only use the forms of communication and programs permitted by the teacher, such as text messaging, posting, Apps and Internet access., Outside of the classroom, students may not use a smart phone, tablet or other electronic devices to videotape or photograph or make an audio recording in locker rooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms “or other areas of the school where there may be a reasonable expectation of personal privacy,” the policy states., “Any use or attempted use of an electronic mobile device to capture, record or transfer the image of an individual in any stage of undress is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate referral to police and appropriate disciplinary action,” it states., The policy allows school district officials to search a student’s smart phone, tablet or laptop computer that is brought onto school grounds if there is a “reasonable suspicion” that school district or school board policies, rules or regulations have been violated, or if it might contain information related to a school investigation., School district officials also may ban access or use of the electronic mobile device if a student has used it in an “inappropriate” manner – in the classroom or anywhere on school property, as well as on a school bus or during any school-sponsored event or activity., “Inappropriate” use of the device includes invading the rights or privacy of others at school, such as recording someone without their consent. The school principal or a designee may confiscate the smart phone, tablet or laptop computer.