Eric Sucar

Rumson organizations praise the value of plants

Plants offer more than being attractive.

So says officials from the Rumson Garden Club and the Rumson Shade Tree Commission.

“Native shrubs and perennials help sustain our land and waterways,” Rumson Garden Club President Liz Card said.

The Rumson Garden Club, a member of the Garden Club of America, will team up with the Rumson Shade Tree Commission to hold a native plant sale on April 29 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.

The plant sale will be held at the Rumson Borough Department of Public Works, 80 East River Road, Rumson.

“Not only do they add beauty to our homes and public spaces, they offer important environmental and economic benefits,” Card said. “Native plants help conserve and filter water, provide habitat for native wildlife, protect soil resources, and reduce the costs and environmental impacts associated with fertilizers and pesticides.”

Rumson Shade Tree Commission Chair Stephen Barrett agreed with Card.

“Any time we can educate the public and make it easy for them to utilize our native resources, the Rumson area will benefit physically, economically and aesthetically,” Barrett said.

Native plants included in the sale will be Echinacea, Penstemon, Pink Mule Grass, Chelone, Tiarella, Monarda, Lavender, Baptisia, Lobelia and Heuchera. The plants will be sold in one gallon containers.

Card said this event is a great opportunity for members of the public to purchase quality native plants.

“We want the public to come and buy our plants,” Card said. “It is a great opportunity to get quality plants.”

She said there will be over 130 native plants at the sale.

The plant sale is open to members of the public. More information can be obtained by calling 732-741-7296.