PPG – Packet letters for 4/21/17

Mike Morsch, Regional Editor
Exceptional effort, dedication, at library film festival, To the editor:, As Earth Day approaches on April 22, it seems fitting to express our appreciation to the Princeton Public Library and to Susan Conlon and Kim Dorman for their exceptional efforts and heartfelt dedication to organizing the Princeton Environmental Film Festival earlier this month., The event spanned one week of films, speakers, panel discussions, and Skype interviews on topics ranging from whales and solar power, to “inconvenient truths” about plastic-filled oceans and dying coral reefs., At a time when environmental progress in this country may be more threatened than ever, we greatly appreciate this 11th annual festival that brings us together as a community of citizens concerned about the environment., Alice Hay-Tolo, Lawrenceville, Great care at Urgent Care, To the editor:, On Friday, March 31, a health-care provider in Middlesex County informed me that I had pink eye syndrome. She recommended that go to an urgent care facility on Princeton-Hightstown Road in West Windsor., The physician affiliated with the urgent care facility had excellent bedside manners. I will always be grateful for her extraordinary amount of human compassion., Ethan C. Finley, Princeton