School board meeting videos return to Millstone website

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

MILLSTONE – Meetings of the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education will once again appear online.

On April 5, members of the Township Committee passed a resolution authorizing a shared services agreement with the school board to uploading the board’s meetings to the township’s website.

Through Dec. 31, the board will be charged $35 for each video, according to the resolution.

Each recording of a school board meeting will be delivered by the board on a disc to the municipal building. Township officials will then upload the video to Millstone Township’s website.

The $35 fee will cover the cost of uploading the video, according to township officials.

According to the resolution, the board has the need for its meetings to be uploaded and placed on the township’s website to provide residents access to view the meetings.

The shared services agreement marks the return of the board’s meetings online.

Until 2016, school board meetings were posted in their entirety on YouTube, but according to board members, there was difficulty in uploading the video footage.

After the meetings stopped being posted online, residents submitted a petition to the board, asking the board to restore the meetings to an online location where they could be viewed.

Mayor Michael Kuczinski, Deputy Mayor Fiore Masci and committee members Gary Dorfman and Nancy Grbelja voted to authorize the shared services agreement. Committeeman Bob Kinsey was absent.