Princeton: Council approves construction of storage facility with $3.8 million pricetag

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
The Princeton Council on Monday gave the go-ahead for the municipality to construct a large storage building for public works vehicles and equipment, in a project potentially costing almost $4 million., Town officials have said “the cold storage facility” is long overdue, and critical to the lifespan of equipment that is otherwise exposed to the elements. Municipal director of infrastructure and operations Robert Hough went before the governing to make the pitch for “a Butler-style” 100 x 300 building that has a higher price tag than other options the town considered. But he said it also has a longer-life span, in excess of 50 years., In an interview after the meeting, Hough said work on the building would start next spring, and take around 12 months to complete. He said it would be built on municipal property, on River Road., He said the building would be partially heated, to house equipment that needs to be stored at a certain temperature., The $3.8 million price tag includes design and site work, construction and contingency-related costs.