HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Partisanship driving budget discussion

To the editor:, Mayor Sandom and her 2014 7 percent tax increase. Mayor Sandom and her 2013 5.3 percent tax increase. Why is it so hard for some “residents” to remember those simple facts?, Oh, wait, those residents are us-versus-them, our party do-or-die, dyed-in-the-wool township Democrat leaders., Mayor Kuchinsky and his 2017 34 percent emergency fund grab. Again, the expected group makes the expected distortions along with the expected mean-spirited attacks in the expected letters to the editor (Residents offer support of Hopewell Township budget, HVN April 21; Introduced budget an improvement, HVN April 21)., These are not just “residents,” but the Democrats’ campaign manager for the last three election cycles; Democrat municipal county committee members, both current and former; as well as other committed township Democrats., Who else would call raiding our rainy day fund “fiscal discipline?” Who else would call an almost 2 percent tax increase “lower taxes?” Who else would attack HVN for airing a common sense point of view?, In the future, when we need the $4 million in our emergency fund that Mayor Kuchinsky and his team are spending on a close to six percent spending increase, which is over two times the rate of inflation, we will look back on this risky budget and wonder how a small group of political partisans got away with it., Harvey Lester, Titusville