PENNINGTON: Public support for the Lions

To the editor:, Twice each year, spring and fall, for fifteen years, customers at the Pennington Quality Market have been greeted by Hopewell Valley Lions clad in their yellow vests asking for donations and using the words of Helen Keller, “Help the Lions in their crusade against darkness.” This year’s generous response of $1,400 will be donated to the Lions Eye Research Program. We thank the Pennington Quality Market customers for their contributions and the owners of PQM for the use of their facility., In addition to their focus on sight, the local Lions are also involved in many aspects of the Hopewell Valley Community. We support a number of activities, such as scouting, sports, a scholarship for a deserving high school student, senior programs, used eye glass collection and loaning light hospital equipment. The Hopewell Valley Lions invite those who might wish to become members of the world’s largest public service organization to attend one of our meetings and get to know us and the work we do. Lions business meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at the Mercer County Branch Library next to the high school., If interested, please contact either Lion Tracey Nixon-Rogers at 730-1020 or Lion Larry Mansier at 737-0863., Lawrence Mansier, Pennington