Hopewell Valley Soccer Association results for weekend of 4/28

Last weekend, the Hopewell Valley Soccer Association continued the spring season.
The following is a submitted collection of the weekend’s results.
U13 Girls
The U13 Hopewell Heat started off their spring season strong. After a tight match and loss to West Morris 0-1 on April 22, the Heat came back with a big win (9-1) on one week later to Middletown. Devin Mullowney had a hat trick followed by Sofia Venezia and Kate Tillman each with two goals and Diana Benford and Anna Gill each with one. Anna Gill had three assists and Ella Zimmerman, Sarah Yancey , and Tillman each had one assist. The strong Heat defense consisting of Samantha Shaw, Emily Neal, Ellie Hill, Adele Cappucci, and Benford gave up only one goal. Megan Gordon and Gillian Lee rounded out the Heat offense.
U12 Girls
The Blaze burned through two games last weekend beating both Millburn S.C. Blues and Plainfield JA Equador each by scores of 5-2.
Tallying goals on Saturday were Ava D’Alessandro and Caileigh Ross with two a piece. Casey von Oehsen assisted two goals and scored one with an assist from Julie Somers.
On Sunday, Emme Muller drove in two goals, bending in one direct kick. Charlotte Kavanaugh and Caileigh Ross each scored, one with an assist from Gillian Magner. Casey von Oehsen had one assist and scored on a penalty kick. Throughout the weekend Sarah Javick and Juliana Silva led the defense with strong support from Charlotte Tellier and Brooke Hutchinson. Additional midfield support came from Emma Coyer and Naomi Dede. Christina Zelin stayed sharp in goal all weekend.
U11 Girls
HVSA 06G Nor’easter played the Westfield Burn on Saturday for a 2-1 win. Goals by Husna Kahn and Katy Gray led the charge.
HVSA 06G Nor’easter played a 0-0 game against the Piscataway Storm on Sunday. The solid defensive wall of Maura McGrath, Emily Eschleman, and Hallie Carrick held the Storm at bay.
U10 Girls
The ’07 girls Reign defeated the SPF Dunn 5-2. Goals were scored by Charlotte Barnes, Sofia Swindell, Emily Fang, Gianna Azura, and Ava Duggan. Excellent defending from Clara Mayer, Megan D’Alessandro and Shelby Ruf.
U11 Boys
The HVSA Boys U11 Riptides exploded for three goals in the final ten minutes to blow open a tight game, taking a 7-3 victory over Berkeley Heights.
Lukas Ansari scored two goals, while Lucas Medina, Alex Romano, Dean Mantuano, Brandon Napoleon and Garrett Wille each scored one. Josh Temple and Napoleon each had two assists, while Charlie Stocks-Natalias, Rex Peters, and Wille each had one. Max Matticoli was the key playmaker for the Riptides throughout, and Goals Chris King and Chris Young preserved the win.
The next day, the Riptides did it again, breaking open a 1-1 halftime tie with five unanswered second half goals. Napoleon recorded the hat trick (3 goals) and Wille added two goals. Romano also scored with a long direct kick. Assists came from Temple (2), Mantuano, Napoleon, and Peters. Goalies King and Young each recorded tough saves, while Daniel Golian, Ansari, Medina, and Stocks-Natalias helped the Riptides control possession much of the game.
U8 Boys
On Saturday, the U8 Hopewell Hurricanes defeated the North Brunswick Cosmos, 7-2. The Hurricanes scored from the kickoff, with amazing passing from Dylan Kawalek to Jaxson DeRossett to Archie Seas, who launched the ball past the keeper. The Cosmos tried to retaliate, but defenders Trevor Baratta and Ethan Garber wouldn’t let the ball pass midfield. Seas scored again within minutes, and DeRossett displayed fancy footwork to increase the score to 3-0. Michael Cappucci took the ball to the net, and when his shot bounced off the goalpost, Jacob Berman scored off the rebound. Two minutes later, Baratta increased the Hurricanse’ lead to 5-0 off a perfect backwards pass from Patrick Slajchert. North Brunswick launched an aggressive offense, but insane defense by Snayhin Sharma and unstoppable goalkeeping by Jack Pachtinger sent the Cosmos into halftime scoreless. The second half started with Logan Gonsalves in goal, saving two ridiculous attempts by the Cosmos. The score increased to 6-0 when Ethan Garber capitalized on a penalty kick after a handball inside the eighteen. With minutes left the Cosmos scored twice, but Seas scored his hat-trick goal nearing the end of the game, leading the Hurricanes to their 14th win of the year.