Paving to begin on Sayreville streets

SAYREVILLE – Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) has finished upgrading a portion of its aging gas lines in Sayreville.

Next, crews will pave roads from May 8-19, weather permitting, according to information provided by PSE&G.

Paving will take place at Albert Drive between Campbell Drive and Florence Drive; Campbell Drive from Haven Terrace to Albert Drive; Dunlap Drive from Florence Drive to Albert Drive; Dupont Street from Washington Road to the end; Florence Drive from Campbell Drive to the end; Frederick Place from Campbell Drive to the end; Haven Terrace from Becker Drive to Route 6; Juniper Street from Kendall Drive to Cedar Terrace; Oxford Drive from Florence Drive to Valve 10638314; Sunrise Terrace from Florence Drive to Albert Drive; and Sutton Place from Dunlap Drive to Albert Drive.

Police will direct traffic around work areas, and residents will be able to drive on the roads once paving is complete. Customers will have access to their driveways at all times, according to the company.

“These upgrades are part of PSE&G’s three-year program to replace 510 miles of aging gas infrastructure throughout New Jersey,” said Joe Forline, vice president of gas operations. “We appreciate the patience of our customers and excellent partnership with local officials as we complete this work. Our goal is to restore roads with minimal impact to residents.”

For more information, visit or call 609-421-8018.