HIGHTSTOWN: Local student a finalist in statewide drug prevention artwork contest

Mike Morsch, Regional Editor
Lada Labas of Walter C. Black Elementary School in Hightstown was one of 30 finalists from across the state to participate in the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey’s Fourth Grade Folder Contest award ceremony held May 3 at the Middlesex County Fire Academy.
More than 7,000 fourth grade students participated in the contest. All 30 finalists received medals for their creative peer-to-peer substance abuse prevention artwork with the theme, “Fun Things to Do Instead Of Doing Drugs.”
Lada focused on artistic alternatives to drugs in “Paint Over Drugs.”
“These young students from around the state are setting tremendous examples for others to follow,” said Angelo M. Valente, executive director of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey. “With their creativity and enthusiasm, they are to be commended for delivering compelling messages through their artwork to other students about enjoying a healthy life without drugs. Their artwork will help other children and teens understand that there are alternatives to drugs that are fun and rewarding.
“The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey has consistently believed that early prevention programs like the Fourth Grade Folder Contest, are effective ways to actively engage New Jersey’s young people in selecting and maintaining a drug-free, healthy lifestyle,” he said.