Board approves next phase of medical office plan

By Peter Elacqua
Staff Writer

MARLBORO – The Planning Board has granted final approval to the second phase of an application that will renovate and add on to an existing dwelling to create a medical office building at 8 Robertsville Road (Route 520).

The property is just west of Route 9, opposite and west of Stokes Lane.

The applicant, Dr. Tusharkumar Mistry, was represented by attorney Dante Alfieri.

The project was divided into two phases. Phase one was granted preliminary and final site plan approval on Sept. 7, 2016 and phase two was granted preliminary approval at that time.

The first phase will convert the home into a 1,392-square-foot medical building. Five parking spaces (including one handicap space) were provided, along with a 23.5-foot-wide right of way dedication on Route 520.

The second phase proposed constructing a 2,198-square-foot, one-story addition at the rear of the building. Testimony indicated the applicant would add 14 parking spaces (for a total of 19 spaces), an access ramp and associated walkways.

When the applicant sought final approval for phase two on April 19, Alfieri said the total number of parking spaces at the site has been revised upward to 24 (including two handicap spaces).

Engineer Brent Papi, representing the applicant, said the first phase has been revised upward by two spaces for a total of seven parking spaces. There will be 24 parking spaces when phase two is completed. He said those figures exceed recommended guidelines.

Alfieri noted revised improvements to the application which consisted of a new front entrance ramp to meet the grading of the front drive, a longer retaining wall for the large lot, additional landscaping, 6-foot-high board-on-board fencing along the southern lot line, drainage improvements and a sidewalk along the front of the property.

In an 8-0 vote, board Chairman Mark Barenburg, Vice Chairman Michael Messinger, Township Councilwoman Carol Mazzola and board members Neil Betoff, Christopher Cherbini, Rohit Gupta, Andrew Pargament and Michael Slotopolsky approved to the complete project.