East Windsor honors rescue squad volunteer

Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer, Arlen Forst likes to help people, and that’s why he was drawn to volunteer with the East Windsor Township Rescue Squad., Since joining the rescue squad nearly 20 years ago, Forst has risen through the ranks and served as its treasurer, president and deputy chief., Tuesday night, Forst’s dedication to his volunteer vocation earned him a proclamation and praise from Mayor Janice Mironov and Township Council., Forst was honored at the Township Council meeting with a special proclamation, named him as the “Emergency Medical Technician of the Year.” The award is given annually during the national Emergency Services Week by the Mayor and Township Council., Mayor Mironov said that national Emergency Services Week, which is May 21-27, is the time chosen by township officials to recognize and thank the volunteers who staff the rescue squad. One member is chosen for special recognition, and this year it was Forst., “I have to say, there are very few individuals who have shown as much dedication, enthusiasm and professionalism as Arlen in East Windsor. He has shown unwavering commitment,” Mayor Mironov said., Mayor Mironov noted that Forst has taken an active role and volunteers for the overnight shift at the rescue squad. He trains new volunteers and he is “truly, truly dedicated” to the squad, she said., “It shows in the many years he has given of his own time. I want to thank his family. We are tremendously appreciative and we are really proud of you. Job well done,” Mayor Mironov said., Robert Manlio, the chief of East Windsor Township Rescue Squad District 1, agreed and said that Forst has given much of his time to the rescue squad – whether it is training new members or riding on the ambulance on the midnight-to-5 a.m. shift., “I am quite proud of the honor. It’s nice,” Forst said., “But I am not the only one that rides on the ambulance. There are others that put in the time. I just enjoy making a difference in other people’s lives,” Forst said.