Half-day integrated preschool program offered in Monroe

The Monroe Township School District will offer a half-day integrated preschool program for a limited number of children for the 2017-18 school year.

The program is designed to give special needs children and typically-developing children the opportunity to learn together. The program inspires creativity and will promote emotional, social and language development. Each class is instructed by a certified preschool/special education teacher with the assistance of paraprofessionals in the classroom.

The tuition-based program will operate two-and-a-half hours per day, five days a week, while school is in session. The location(s) and session(s) for these classes will be determined in the spring. Selection for the classes will be based on a lottery system.

In order to be eligible for participation in the lottery, one’s child must be 3 or 4 years of age by Oct. 31 and live in Monroe. Parents will be responsible for transporting their child to and from the program. No transportation, before care or after care is available.

To register for the lottery or for more information, contact Cherie McCoy at 609-642-6128, ext. 4013 or Donna Plichta at 609-642-6128, ext. 4022.