Sheriff Youth Week seeks applicants

Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden has announced that applications are being accepted from Monmouth County high school-aged students who have an interest in law enforcement as a possible career for participation in this year’s 25th annual Sheriff Youth Week program.

The program, to be held at the Monmouth County Police Academy, Freehold Township, from July 10-14, affords participants the opportunity to explore interests in law enforcement through police academy-style training and instructional sessions by municipal, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies, according to a press release.

The deadline for applications is June 9 and there is no fee for participation. A background check is completed on all applicants.

“Recruits” report daily to the Monmouth County Police Academy by 7:45 a.m. The day concludes at 4 p.m. Each day is filled with academic instruction as well as drill, physical training and ceremonies, according to the press release.

Sheriff Youth Week concludes with a formal graduation ceremony on Friday at the Monmouth County Police Academy, with parents and friends encouraged to attend.

“I am very proud that many of our Sheriff Youth Week graduates discovered law enforcement as a career choice at Sheriff Youth Week and have gone on to professions in law enforcement and public safety,” Golden said.

For information about Sheriff Youth Week, visit, click on Community Programs, click on Sheriff Youth Week and download the information and application.