Middletown mulls legal matters

MIDDLETOWN — The Township Committee, in a closed session, discussed three contract negotiations that involved town hall redevelopment, solid waste and recycling contracts, and a potential shared service agreement, according to the meeting’s agenda.

The committee also talked about two potential lawsuits that involved JCP&L transmission lines and an affordable housing declaratory judgment on June 5.

No official decisions were made by the committee on any of the executive session items, according to the Township Administrator Anthony Mercantante.

After closing its executive session the committee approved several resolutions.

The committee approved a resolution to authorize the consolidation of the township’s Office of Public Assistance with the Monmouth County Department of Human Services‘ Division of Social Services, according the committee agenda form.

The resolution is going to be officially implemented on July 1, according to the committee agenda.

For more information visit www.middletownnj.org/AgendaCenter.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].