Millstone students’ play imparts message of helping

MILLSTONE – Students at the Millstone Township Middle School recently had the opportunity to take part in driving the production of a play.

On May 24, students performed the play “Emphasize It” on the stage of the Millstone Performing Arts Center at the middle school.

“[‘Emphasize It’] is a one-act non-musical which centers around the importance of walking in another person’s shoes and standing together against bullying,” drama club adviser Lisamarie Cappuzzo said.

According to a press release written by students Kyla Amison and Gabriella Biello, the play focuses on Sidney Taylor and Alden Hanson, two students who are considered outsiders at their school.

“[Sidney and Alden] have to work together and with the help of a superhero of the new millennium, they learn to stand up to the bullies and take back control of their lives,” Kyla and Gabriella wrote.

Featured in the cast of “Emphasize It” were Jillian Scott as Sidney, Giuseppe Scibilia as Alden and Melissa Bernieri as Empathy Girl.

The students were primarily responsible for the production of the play, according to the press release.

“From the set design, to the Playbill, to the costumes, and even to the press release, the actors have done it all,” Kyla and Gabriella wrote. “Students even work as directors and stage managers.”

Many of the students involved in the production found meaning in the play’s message.

“Just because someone has all of the attention and popularity in school, it does not mean they have it easy going outside of school,” Jillian said.

“I believe the message of our show is that we should help people being bullied,” Kyla said. “It can positively impact our school because it’s coming from kids, not adults. It provides solutions that are realistic. It’s really rewarding to be in a production, especially like the one we are putting on that helps spread a positive message to people.”

“I think the message of this show is that people who just sit and watch are almost worse than the bully,” Abigail Nazario said. “Make sure you speak up and tell. I also like the theme. It connects to so many children who have been bullied or were a bully and it teaches everyone a life lesson.”

“This show depicts how people that are bullied really feel about everything that happens,” Adrianna Hagendorf said.

“This play shows that you should never judge someone because you might not know what’s going on in their life,” Samantha Meola said. “It shows the importance of friends and standing up for yourself instead of running from the problem.”

“It’s a good message to warn people that they shouldn’t do it in the future,” Sydney Brissette-Rodriguez said.

The students also enjoyed performing on stage.

“I really love the theater,” Gabriella said. “It makes me less shy and it helps me work on my leadership skills.”

“My dad was in plays when he was younger, so I wanted to try it out,” Kendall Chardonnet said. “They always look so fun.”