Frank Wojciechowski

North Brunswick mayor asks Trump to reconsider action against climate change



NORTH BRUNSWICK – Although North Brunswick is just slightly more than 12 square miles in size, local officials are hoping to have a much larger impact on the world.

Mayor Francis “Mac” Womack has joined Climate Mayors, also known as the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda (MNCAA), a network of 257 United States mayors  representing more than 59 million Americans working together to strengthen local efforts for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting efforts for binding federal and global-level policy making, according to information provided by the organization.

“I am proud to represent the people of North Brunswick and our Township Council in becoming a member of the MNCAA. Climate change is real and the people of North Brunswick know it. We are heavily invested in alternative energy and are on the path to becoming a Smart Growth town. Our new train station represents our towns forward looking perspective into the 21st century and the lives of our children and grandchildren. It is incumbent on big cities and small townships to do everything possible to face the challenges of climate change which is the greatest threat facing mankind today,” Womack said.

Climate Mayors recently released an open letter to President Donald Trump to oppose his actions thus far against climate action and his withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, such as rolling back the Clean Power Plan and vehicle fuel efficiency standards, as well as proposed cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency and the EnergyStar program.

“As mayors, we work with our constituents face-to-face every day, and they demand that we act on climate to improve quality of life and create economic growth. As public servants and stewards of public funds and infrastructure, we also cannot ignore the costs of inaction. That is why we are also standing up for our constituents and all Americans harmed by climate change, including those most vulnerable among us: coastal residents confronting erosion and sea level rise; young and old alike suffering from worsening air pollution and at risk during heatwaves; mountain residents engulfed by wildfires; farmers struggling at harvest time due to drought; and communities across our nation challenged by extreme weather,” the letter reads.

Resident Colleen Clark-Boyer brought this initiative to Womack’s attention.

“I’m incredibly passionate about making sure this world is a better place than when I leave it,” she said.

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Contact Jennifer Amato at [email protected].