Student wows audience at TEDxNavesink

Alexandra Lewis, an eighth grade student at Rumson Country Day School, captivated her audience as she spoke recently about topics such as identity and acceptance  at the TEDxNavesink’s IDENTITY in Asbury Park.

The goal of the event was to invite speakers to discuss topics of culture, brand, freedom and gender in a comfortable and open space. Among the 30 performers, Lewis was the youngest. However, she amazed her audience on May 20 with her words and ideas. In front of a 1,100 person audience, she spoke about some of today’s most controversial topics.

“My inspiration comes from real-life instances that I have witnessed and experienced,” Lewis said. “I write with the intention of helping people understand and feel what I and many other minorities struggle with on a daily basis.”

Lewis, at the age of seven, joined the NJ Orators and received high honors after delivering her first speech – a five minute excerpt from Hip Hop Speaks to Children: A Celebration of Poetry with a Beat.

“That’s when I realized she was fearless,” Alex’s mother, Alpha Reynolds-Lewis recalls. For her mother, Lewis’ talent and courage was recognizable from the start.

Still a member of the organization, Lewis continues to write and perform her own poetry. Lewis uses her writing to express her strong emotional feelings on matters of social injustice and heightened racial tensions.

Lewis strongly believes that putting yourself in another person’s shoes and thinking before you speak can truly change racial sentiments and build compassion and understanding for others.

“It was a transformative moment watching her take a stance on an important issue and deliver an impactful message,” Alpha said. “She’s opened people’s eyes. Seeing how she’s impacted people of all ages- it’s impressive.”

Cara Horner, Lewis’ Literature, Language Arts and homeroom teacher spoke highly about Lewis’ prior performances. However, she believes that this performance was by far the best she’s seen from her student.

“My expectations are always high when [Alex] hits the floor, but on Saturday she completely blew me away. Alex’s poise, passion and heart poured through her performance and moved the entire audience. I am so proud that Alex has chosen to pursue writing in a focused high school academy.”

Alex was accepted to Red Bank Regional High School’s Creative Writing Program and will be a freshman there in the fall of 2017. Many of her supporters, including her mother and her teacher are proud that she will continue to share her voice encouraging peace, love and equality.

“I aspire to change the world and open the minds of close-minded people,” Lewis said. “Initially I was a little nervous to share my work, but after performing on stage at TEDxIDENTITY I feel like I can do anything.”