Office buildings in Marlboro gain approval

MARLBORO – The Planning Board has approved the construction of two new office buildings in Marlboro – one on Route 520 and one on Route 79.

Both applications were approved on June 7.

During the first hearing, applicant Felix Bruselovsky proposed the construction of a 9,360-square-foot office building at 49 Route 520. The 1-acre parcel is east of Route 9 and opposite Bluffs Court. Bruselovsky was represented by attorney Kenneth Pape.

The property currently contains a two-story structure and a detached garage. Those structures will be removed to make way for the office building, according to testimony presented to the board.

Bruselovsky owns an office building at 79 Route 520 that is similar in size to the building he proposed at 49 Route 520. Pape said the building at 79 Route 520 has been occupied for two years and he said there is a demand for space.

Engineer Stuart Challoner, representing the applicant, said the proposed building at 49 Route 520 would meet municipal and state codes regarding storm water runoff.

Challoner said the plan proposes 38 parking spaces and he said there will be a turnaround area to be used by garbage trucks, as well as a loading zone. Because the building is proposed for office use, it is anticipated that deliveries will be made by box trucks, such as UPS and FedEx.

Following the conclusion of testimony, a motion was made to approve the application. Board Chairman Mark Barenburg, Vice Chairman Michael Messinger, Councilwoman Carol Mazzola, who sits on the board, and board members Andrew Pargament and Christopher Cherbini voted yes.

During a second hearing, board members narrowly approved an application that proposed the construction of a 3,200-square-foot building on Route 79. The approximate 1.5-acre property is about 500 south of Beacon Hill Road. The building will have nine parking spaces, according to testimony presented to the board.

The applicant was Roman Pryzbylo, the principal owner of Proman Electric, an electrical contracting company. Pryzbylo was represented by attorney Dante Alfieri.

Testimony indicated the property currently contains a two-story dwelling and a detached garage. The structures will be demolished to make way for the new building.

Pryzbylo said his business has four employees, including himself, and the hours of operations are from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pryzbylo said no work is done on site and he said the building would primarily be used for storage.

An architect’s plan depicted a building area of about 1,060 square feet to be used by Proman Electric and warehouse space. There was a 2,140-square-foot area indicated for one future tenant.

Engineer Marc Leber testified that the existing septic system would be removed and replaced with a new system.

A resident who addressed the board during the public hearing said he believed the proposed building was too large for the site.

Following the conclusion of testimony, a motion was made to approve the application. Barenburg, Cherbini and Pargament voted yes. Mazzola and Messinger voted no.

The resident who spoke during public comment “took the words right out of my mouth,” Messinger said. “I think this building is too big for this piece of land and if this application goes through, it is the type of development I hate seeing in New York City and urban areas where the lot is small and a (building) gets approved that is way too big.”