Pegasus Theater NJ will hold a production at CBA

Pegasus Theater NJ, the sister company of Pegasus Production Company at Christian Brothers Academy, will present presents Terrence McNally’s It’s Only a Play on June 30.

The play will be staged at the Henderson Theater, which is located at Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft.

According to a press release from the school, It’s Only a Play, revived on Broadway in 2014, revolves around the offstage drama The Golden Egg. According to the press release, the play brings together egotistical actors, directors and playwrights to exemplify the saying “there is not business like show business”.

The show has received high reviews on and off Broadway, and according to the Pegasus Theater NJ, it has been said to be “without a doubt hilarious [and] sidesplittingly funny…It’s Only a Play deserves only a rave!” The hard work of cast and crew members along with CBA alumni will be special to experience for audiences of all ages, according to the press release.

The opening show will be on June 30 at 7 p.m. at the Henderson Theater. The play will then be staged on July 1 at 7 p.m. and July 2 at 2 p.m.

Tickets are being sold at $10 for adults and $7 for seniors. To reserve tickets visit [email protected].