MONTGOMERY: String of car burglaries prompts police advice

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
In the wake of a string of car thefts that have occurred since June 24, the Montgomery Township Police Department is advising residents to lock their cars and take the keys inside with them.
Six cars have been reported stolen from their owners’ driveways within the last two weeks, including two cars that were stolen overnight between July 2 and July 3, police said. All of the cars have been recovered.
The motor vehicle thefts have occurred along the County Route 601 corridor, and in all cases, the keys had been left in the unlocked cars, police said.
The police are asking for the public’s help in stopping the car thefts by calling the Police Department immediately – day or night – to report suspicious activity. Residents should call 911.
Anyone who has information to share with the Police Department about the car thefts should call Det. Sgt. Brian Hofacker at 908-533-9192.
The car thefts follow on the heels of a string of car break-ins, in which thieves have taken cash and electronic items from the unlocked cars.
To avoid becoming the victim of a car theft or a car break-in, police advise rolling up the car windows and locking the car doors. Thieves look for unlocked cars and if a car is locked, they will move on to the next one.
Police also suggest turning off the car engine. Never leave the car unattended and with the engine running. Always remove the keys from the ignition and take them with you.
Valuables should never be left in plain sight in the car. Even loose change in a cup holder can attract a thief’s attention, police said. Hide valuable items in the trunk.
Police also advise taking checkbooks and driver’s licenses inside the house. Personal documents left in the car can be used for identity theft purposes.