Students paint murals at Manalapan Recreation Center

MANALAPAN – The Manalapan Environmental Commission recently partnered with the Manalapan High School Environmental Club, Students Against Violation of the Earth (SAVE), to paint murals on several structures at the Manalapan Recreation Center.

The murals have nature themes and cover structures that surround two demonstration gardens that were previously planted by the commission.

Mayor Susan Cohen called the murals “a beautiful addition to the area that will be enjoyed by residents for many years to come. It was truly a community project and we want to thank all of the volunteers”.

According to a press release from the township, an electrical box is now painted dark purple with lightning bolts; a fire hydrant has been made to look like a mushroom from the Mario Bros. video games; and three sides of a storage garage have been painted with vibrant murals of flowers and butterflies.

One wall of the garage includes three large butterflies at different heights that children and adults can stand in front of to take a fun photo looking as if they have wings themselves, according to the press release.

Manalapan Environmental Commission Chairwoman Jenine Tankoos said, “The murals are part of a larger project called the Eco Patio to be completed this fall beside the murals.

“The Eco Patio will include a large patio with seating to be constructed this summer, as well as landscaping and permanent educational displays, all with an environmental education theme.”

On June 14, municipal officials honored the teachers and students who designed and painted the murals.

The teachers who were recognized were Nora Cavaluzzi and Maryanne Mildorf.

The students who were recognized were Melissa Badamo, Madison Braswell, Emily Deady, Bart Ficilli, Danielle DelosSantos, Melanie Kovaks, Brittany Lew, Chris Lynch, Nupoor Matieda, Jessica Nava, Anthony Prestia, Jessica Schwab, Juliana Sorbara, Katelyn Spina, Megan Spina, Conner Stockwell, Robert Koralja and Einat Shayer.