East Windsor creates addiction recovery initiative

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
Aiming to help substance abusers kick their bad habits, the East Windsor Township Police Department has joined forces with two non-profit groups to create East Windsor C.A.R.E. (Community Addiction Recovery Effort).
The East Windsor Township Police Department is one of several Mercer County police departments to initiate a partnership with Recovery Advocates of America. It is also working with City of Angels NJ.
The non-profit groups that the East Windsor Township Police Department is working with are attempting to reduce the stigma of addiction and to provide a safe haven for addicts as they try to overcome their addictions.
Mayor Janice Mironov said the East Windsor C.A.R.E. program is now standard operating procedure for East Windsor Township police officers when they come into contact with someone suffering from addiction – whether it is through an arrest, being involved in an incident or walking into Police Department headquarters to ask for help.
At that point, the Police Department will arrange for a representative from Recovery Advocates of America or City of Angels to meet with that person in a safe and private setting to discuss the steps needed to start the recovery process, Mayor Mironov said.
“The presence of drug abuse and addiction sadly is a reality in all of our communities. The goal is to intervene as early as possible to provide support and professional options to these individuals to turn their lives in a more positive direction,” Mayor Mironov said.
The East Windsor C.A.R.E. program recognizes that addiction is a disease, and that key resources, guidance and support are needed at the earliest opportunity to assure individuals of available options and assist toward recovery, she said.
“East Windsor C.A.R.E. makes those resources available at the most opportune time – when addicted individuals have had contact with the Police Department and may be most receptive to assistance in their recovery,” Mayor Mironov said.
East Windsor Township Chief of Police James Geary said the Police Department is proud of its partnership with East Windsor C.A.R.E.
“It is our goal to help as many individuals as we can and do our part to help eliminate the disease of addiction and all of the negative consequences addiction has on individuals and families,” Chief Geary said.