Shrewsbury council approves cyber management network

Seeking to install a cyber management network, the Borough of Shrewsbury Council approved a motion to accept a $30,000 maximum bid from Intron Technology Solutions.

At a special council meeting held the morning of July 28 at the Municipal Center, , Council President Jeff DeSalvo and Councilman Donald Eddy further elaborated on the borough’s need for a better management network.

“There was no system before, so that is the best way to put it, so we are really trying to get in with the times and get things up to speed. Its going to give us security, backup systems, and allow us to certainly do different things down the road, so it’s giving us a lot of flexibility we like it that its kind of a central thing that any entity can work with so we are not tied to just say Intron…it’s not just their components, it’s standardized so it gives us more flexible,” DeSalvo said.

The system deals with security, adding firewalls and a backup system. The backup system will allow borough officials to log in to the borough’s computer system and access the borough’s information at any location besides the Municipal Center, according to Borough Administrator Thomas Seaman.

The borough plans to have the system installed as soon as possible, according to DeSalvo.

With the new management network the borough’s police department and fire department will have direct access to the borough’s system, according to Eddy.

“So something say happens to [the municipal center] they can go to another site plug in and be up and running. So it’s really a backup for all of our systems, it’s a fail safe which is another way to put it,” DeSalvo said.

Police and fire officials are aware of the council’s decision and support it seeking a better management network, according DeSalvo.

“We’re [voted] today because like we said the companies we’re are dealing with their fiscal year is ending and if we don’t get this done the price is going to go up so we want to get the best deal that we can and save as much money as we can,” DeSalvo said. “We looked at other companies and asked for a bunch of bids and it feel that Intron Technology Solutions would give us the best bang for our buck.”

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].