HOPEWELL: Sandom drops out of committee race, Ruger nominated in her stead

Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
Hopewell Township Committee member Vanessa Sandom, who was seeking re-election to the governing body, has withdrawn from the race.
In Sandom’s place, Michael Ruger has been nominated to run on the Democratic Party ticket with Mayor Kevin D. Kuchinski. Sandom was slated to run on the ticket with Mayor Kuchinski before bowing out.
Sandom, who is a former mayor, has served on Township Committee since 2001. She was appointed to fill the vacancy created when former Township Committee member Kathy Bird resigned.
Sandom served seven one-year stints as mayor -in 2004, 2006 to 2009, 2013 and 2014. The mayor’s post, which is ceremonial, is rotated among the Township Committee members.
Sandom said she chose not to run for re-election because “it is time for new Democratic leadership in the township. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve my friends, colleagues, neighbors and community over the past 16 years.”
“The community is fortunate to have a deep bench of Democratic talent and experience from which to draw its future Township Committee members,” Sandom said.
Sandom said she “wholeheartedly” endorses the ticket of Kevin Kuchinski and Michael Ruger. They represent the important mix of experienced leadership and new talent that is needed to continue “to make positive progress in addressing the challenges facing the township,” she added.
Ruger praised Sandom and said that she has been “a tireless and tremendous advocate for Hopewell Township.”
Ruger said he was honored to have been chosen to run for Township Committee on the Democratic Party ticket. It is an honor to run in Sandom’s place, he said.
Ruger has lived in the Harbourton section of Hopewell Township since 1998. He graduated from the Pennsylvania State University and earned a law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center.
Ruger is vice president of government affairs at Comcast. In his spare time, he serves on the Hopewell Township Finance Advisory Committee and the Environmental Commission.
The Democratic Party nominee said he is looking forward to building on the progress that has already been made to rein in spending and to keep property taxes under control. He wants to take steps to protect the township from over-development.
Hopewell Township Democratic Party chairman Ray Disch praised Ruger, noting that “he understands the importance of protecting Hopewell Valley’s rural character, and (will fight) to keep municipal property taxes lower.”