PRINCETON: Town, police ready for eclipse viewing crowd

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
The sun might not be visible Monday, but Princeton Police will be for the eclipse viewing party that is expected to attract a crowd in Palmer Square.
“We are going to have an increased presence down there, we’re going to have dedicated foot patrols to the area,” said police Lt. Christopher Morgan on Friday.
In the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Spain this week, Lt. Morgan said there is no “outright concern” about the town having a large gathering.
“There’s no threat or anything to the area of that nature,” he said, “but we are going to have an increased, visible presence throughout the event.”
In terms of vehicle traffic, police have no plans, for now, to restrict cars from driving through Palmer Square. He said it would “help,” however, “if people did limit their vehicle traffic to that area during the event.”
The viewing party is due to start at 1 p.m.
Mayor Liz Lempert directed questions about security to police.