Marlboro Police Explorers lend emergency assistance

MARLBORO – Members of the Marlboro Police Explorers post are being praised for the assistance they rendered during an emergency at the recent Middlesex County Fair in East Brunswick.

Police Explorers are young adults who are considering pursuing careers in law enforcement. The young men and women volunteer in the Marlboro Police Department and are assigned to perform various duties in Marlboro and other communities.

On Aug. 10, Explorers Chief Dennis Stack, 20, and Explorers Nicholas Bilinski, 14, and Marc Singer, 14, were assigned to duty at the Middlesex County Fair. The young men were on a break and were in line to purchase food when a cook behind the food stand fell to the ground and appeared to be having a seizure, according to Marlboro officials.

Stack began administering first aid to the cook while Singer and Bilinski retrieved first aid supplies, turned off a propane gas tank and directed East Brunswick police officers and emergency medical services personnel to the incident location.

Marlboro Police Lt. Stephen Levy, who is the administrator for Explorer Post 105, said EMS personnel on the scene treated the cook for a possible stroke and he said the patient was stable when the Explorers left the scene. No additional information about the individual was available.

“I am very proud of the of these fine young men,” Levy said. “They did not hesitate to act during a serious medical emergency and they provided patient care until advanced help could arrive on location. We are grateful to have such dedicated Explorers as part of our police department.”

“These young men were not only in the right place at the right time, but they were trained, knew what to do and stepped in without hesitation. The Police Explorers can be seen at every township event directing traffic and assisting residents,” Marlboro Mayor Jonathan Hornik said.

“They are young men and women who give back to their community in a very meaningful way. I want to thank the post advisers, Sgt. Andrew Goldberg and Patrolman Callen Figarola, and Lt. Stephen Levy, all of whom spend many hours with the Explorers at training programs and events. I am grateful for their dedication and commitment.

“When you next see the Marlboro Police Explorers at an event, it would mean a lot if you let them know their service is appreciated,” the mayor said. “They are role models and commendable citizens. It is my hope their career path leads them to Marlboro as police officers.”

“While others were on their phones filming (what happened at the fair), the Explorers did what needed to be done,” Figarola said. “The Marlboro Police Explorer post is requested throughout the county for events and to assist local police departments in times of need.

“For the (Middlesex County Fair), the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, based out of Naval Weapons Station Earle in Colts Neck, reached out to request our post’s assistance directing traffic and parking cars … In this instance, the Explorers’ presence may have saved a life,” Figarola said.

In other news, on July 27, 11 Marlboro Explorers graduated from the New Jersey State Law Enforcement Explorer Academy, which was held for one week at Georgian Court University, Lakewood.

Marlboro’s Explorers received the second highest number of awards in the state.

The award recipients are: first place, Physical Training (Males), Steven Russo; first place, Physical Training (Females), Mya Cherbini; third place, Academic Achievement, Mya Cherbini; first place, Leadership Award, Steven Russo (first time in academy history the award was presented to a first year recruit); third place, Leadership Award, Mya Cherbini;

And, first place, Burglary in Progress, Zack Sperling and Derek Ball; second place, Burglary in Progress, Dylan Ely and Noah Price; second place, Narcotics Investigation, Dylan Ely and Noah Price; third place, Motor Vehicle Stops, Zack Sperling and Derek Ball; and third place, Arrest Search and Seizure, Zack Sperling and Derek Ball.

At present, there are 37 members in the Explorer post. Two additional members are expected to join in the near future, marking the most Explorers since the post’s inception in 1982. The Explorers range in age from 14 to 21, with an average age of 16.