HOPEWELL: Democrat candidate makes pledge

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To the editor:
I am Michael Ruger and, along with Mayor Kevin Kuchinski, am a Democratic candidate
for Hopewell Township Committee.
I have lived in Hopewell Township since 1998. My wife, Tracy Vogler, was raised here.
We have three children. The oldest graduated from Hopewell Valley Central High
School and our twins are enrolled at Timberlane.
Tracy and I returned to Hopewell Township because it is a special place. And I know I
am not alone in feeling this way. That is why I will partner with Kevin to continue his
push to lower taxes, to create a more effective and efficient government, and to protect
our environment.
Kevin and I look forward to meeting with residents of Hopewell Township over the
coming weeks to hear their concerns and to share our message of financial
responsibility, environmental protection, and community engagement.
And we look forward to debating our opponents.
As we begin our campaign, we make a pledge to you. Our campaign will not take any
contributions from developers, individuals with a direct financial interest in matters
pending before the Hopewell Township Committee, big banks, or political action
In making this pledge, we want to assure voters in the Township that we are working in
their best interests and not in the interests of donors. We would rather have support
from those who know us best and know the Township, and not ideologically driven
donors whose motives may be in question.
We look forward to sharing our vision for Hopewell Township in the coming weeks.
Michael Ruger
Democratic Candidate for Hopewell Township Committee