Cranbury officers go beyond the call of duty: Make injured little boy feel special

By Mike Morsch, Regional Editor
Connor Davison is a typical little boy – he likes to play outside with his cousins. Plus he loves the lights and loud sirens on police and fire vehicles.
But Connor had some unfortunate luck recently at Cranbury Police Department’s National Night Out in early August. While playing in the bounce house, the 3-year-old had a mishap and fractured his right leg.
Cranbury Fire Chief Mike Kervan tended to the boy and put an ice pack on the injured youth’s leg. Connor’s mother, Erin Davison, then took him to the hospital where her fears were confirmed – Connor did indeed have a broken leg.
Word of Connor’s injury made its way to members of the Cranbury Police Department. And that’s when Sgt. Gregory Pfremmer and Officer Michael Cipriano went into action.
“The two officers cared so much that they came to the house and made my son feel better,” said Erin.
The law enforcement officials presented Connor with a Cranbury junior police badge, a bracelet and a gift certificate for ice cream at Gil and Bert’s. Connor’s cousins, Gavin and Griffin Rodriguez, also received the gifts from the officers as well.
“When they officers found out Connor was hurt, they came right over, no questions asked,” said Erin. “These two officers and all the officers at the Cranbury Police Department are so friendly and are like family to all of us. The boys were excited to see them and they look up to them. Plus, they love the loud sirens and lights.”
Erin said she is thankful that she and her family live in a community where the police care about the residents.
“The Cranbury police and fire department always do a great job to protect our town,” she said.