Hazlet police officers help deliver baby girl

HAZLET– Sgt. Kevin Geoghan and Ptl. Pat Kiley helped a woman give birth at 4:21 p.m. on Sept. 6 in front of the Hazlet Police Headquarters, according to Lt. Scott Mura.

The husband pulled up in the fire lane in front of the police headquarters at 255 Middle Road asking for help due to his wife having a baby in the backseat of their car, according to Mura.

Geoghan, Kiley, and other officers assisted the woman, who gave birth to a baby girl, according to Mura.

The woman and her baby was transported by the Hazlet Township First Aid Squad to Riverview Medical Center, according to Mura.

“We all are trained in first aid. When you are training at the police academy, they teach you how to deliver a baby,” Mura said.

Both the mother and baby are in good condition, according to Mura.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].