Residents should oppose Wawa gas for second time

What a shame the residents of North Brunswick have to be put on the defensive for a second time on a proposed mega-gas station at the congested intersection of Route 27 and Cozzens Lane where a Wawa convenience store is currently operating.

While at the North Brunswick Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting on June 20 we experienced a strong feeling of deja-vu. We lived on Delta Court 25 years ago adjacent to the current Wawa which was a vacant lot at that time. The residents formed a neighborhood organization to oppose a three-island gas station and submitted a petition to the Zoning Board with more than 500 signatures of our neighbors who were against it. The developer decided to withdraw the application and Wawa purchased the property and agreed to build a convenience store there. The residents in the surrounding area were glad to have Wawa as their new neighbor.

Now, we do not believe the outrageous audacity of Wawa requesting to add a gas station. We feel that the quality of our life, health and well-being would be threatened by having a gas station at this location.

We ask all residents to show their concern for the proper development of North Brunswick and attend the Sept. 19 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting at which time a vote will be taken on the proposed gas station.

Kenneth and Patricia Pflug
North Brunswick