HILLSBOROUGH: Local veteran supports Tomson, McCauley

Andrew Martins, Managing Editor
To the editor:
I have been fortunate to be a Hillsborough resident for the past 19 years and can’t think of a better place to call home. As a US Navy veteran, I see the care and compassion shown by our current local officials to those who have served, including dedicating the Municipal Complex main road as Veterans Way, the Veterans Breakfast that precedes the Memorial Day Parade, in November a Veterans Day Ceremony held in the Garden of Honor, and being designated as the first Purple Heart Community in Somerset County.
This is a testament to the efforts of our township leadership, including Deputy Mayor Gloria McCauley and Committeemen Doug Tomson, who embody the respect of our military service. I encourage residents to turn out and vote for Tomson & McCauley on November 7.
Robert Peason