HOPEWELL: Ruger is the financially solid choice

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
I am writing in support of Michael Ruger’s candidacy for Hopewell Township Committee.
I have served with Michael on the Finance Advisory Committee where he has championed reduced township spending, doing more with less and cutting debt levels to reduce ongoing interest costs. The 2017 township budget remains below 2015 spending levels, even as we rebuild the Public Works fleet, restore Bulky Waste Pick-up and accelerate road repaving and repairs.
Along with Mayor Kevin Kuchinski, Michael has helped cut the annual municipal tax increase in Hopewell Township from +6.3 percent per year in 2013-15 when Mr. Lester and his Republican colleagues were in-charge to 1.1 percent. This is well below the rate of inflation, and Hopewell Township once again has the lowest equalized tax rate in Mercer County.
Michael has also been a strong proponent of open space and preserved farmland, helping protect our water and the environment. And, he and his family have been strong voices in the fight against the proposed PennEast pipeline.
Please join me in fighting to keep Hopewell Township green and affordable.
On November 7, please vote for both Michael Ruger and Kevin Kuchinski for Hopewell Township Committee.
Peter Sandford
Brandon Farms