Marlboro zoners will consider plan for sports facility

MARLBORO – An application to construct a 54,440-square-foot sports facility covered by an inflatable dome is scheduled to be heard by the Marlboro Zoning Board of Adjustment on Oct. 10.

Amboy Avenue Partners, LLC, is the applicant and the group is represented by attorney Salvatore Alfieri.

According to the board’s agenda, Amboy Avenue Partners is seeking a bulk variance to construct an outdoor sports field with an inflatable dome and a storage shed, and a use variance for an expansion of a non-conforming use.

The site of the proposed facility is 185 Amboy Road, which is the location of the Centercourt Tennis Center at Marlboro. That facility includes six tennis courts, 49 parking spaces and a driveway from Amboy Road.

The property for which the new sports facility is proposed is 7.8 acres with frontage on Amboy Road and Route 18. The new facility would be constructed behind the Centercourt Tennis Center.

The applicant is proposing to revise the paved looped circulation drive around the existing building in order to provide access to the inflatable dome and to include patron drop-off areas. The application proposes 82 additional parking spaces and a paved driveway north of the inflatable dome for emergency access.

The application also proposes the construction of a 20-foot by 30-foot storage shed and a mechanical equipment/system fence enclosure, including a generator. No changes to the existing site access is proposed with the application.