HILLSBOROUGH: I support McCauley/Tomson because of Mountain View Park

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To the editor:
I want to thank Deputy Mayor Gloria McCauley and Committeeman Doug Tomson for their continued leadership on the township committee for the past three years. Specifically, I want to thank them for being part of the team that worked closely with Somerset County to bring Mountain View Park to a reality.
I did not think my son, who is a junior in high school, would ever play there. But he played there this past spring, and I expect will play there for two more spring seasons as well. It would not have happened without years of hard work from township officials, and the experienced leadership of township committee members like McCauley and Tomson.
The successful opening of Mountain View Park traces back to the major accomplishment of current township committee members to clear the land of the GSA Depot, making it safe for development, followed by their partnering with Somerset County to develop a series of fields for boys and girls of all ages to enjoy. The park is in a perfect long-term location, with easy access from multiple directions.
Thanks for all your past successes, your experience, and for offering to share that experience for three more years. I look forward to supporting you both on Election Day.
Ken Hesthag