PENNINGTON: Democrats will fight PennEast pipeline

Submitted Content
To the editor:
I read the introductory letters from the two Republican candidates. One says the township faces the “issue” of the PennEast pipeline, and the other says nothing about the pipeline. Neither candidate talks about the environment.
The environment is a very important issue to me. I moved to Hopewell Township four years ago. When I heard about the PennEast pipeline, I was very concerned about the damage it would do to my new community. I joined groups like the Sourland Mountain Conservancy, ReThink Energy, the Sierra Club and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network in protesting against the pipeline.
I know that Mayor Kevin Kuchinski and Michael Ruger have also joined in protests. I marched with them last year in Riegelsville and last month in Stockton.
Michael is my son, so I might not be impartial, but I know he is sincere in wanting to protect the environment. When he says he will not negotiate with PennEast, I know he is telling the truth. And I know Kevin won’t negotiate, either.
I am 79 years old and will keep joining protests until the pipeline is stopped. I know Michael and Kevin will be with me. But I really wonder if I can say the same for the Republican candidates.
I love living in Hopewell Township. My wonderful neighbors have become my friends. I want to see the environment protected, and I know many people feel the same way.
I hope you will join me in voting for Michael Ruger and Kevin Kuchinski for Hopewell Township Committee on November 7.
Betty Ruger