HILLSBOROUGH: Former school board member throws support behind Haas

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
I had the honor of serving with Judy Haas on the Hillsborough Board of Education from 2010 to 2013. Simply put, she is the consummate public servant. She brought her experience and knowledge from her work as a NYC government official and Hillsborough township administrator to her volunteer work on the Board of Education. She also serves as President of the Somerset County Educational Services Commission as if the Board of Education work wasn’t enough. This tells you how important the education of all of our children is to her. This commission focuses on special education and alternative education programs. I share her hope that students’ needs are addressed by our educational system and was touched when she expressed how proud she was of the new Career Center for vocational training. She is the kind of person that we need to vote for to work tirelessly for all of our students.
In our job environment and volunteer work, we respect the people who take the time to get certifications or are natural leaders and Judy is just that person.  She takes her responsibility to heart, has more board certifications than any other board members, and thinks about the consequences of her decisions for students and teachers, the school community.
On the Board of Education, she has been involved with all committees except for negotiations because her husband was a teacher (now retired) in another district. In her professional life, she handled many negotiations. What this means is that she has the breadth of experience that allows you to trust her decisions.
She thoroughly researches each issue that is brought up for discussion and board decision. When I wrestled with my own research and consequent decisions, I knew for sure that she had done a thorough analysis and therefore I could have a thoughtful discussion about my own opinions with her.
I remember when we received a $5 million cut in state aid in 2010 and had to make the tough decisions of what had to be sacrificed. I remember the anguish on her face when she talked about the impact on class size and various programs if 82 staff members were cut. This may be unknown or forgotten by many people in our town by now but I will always know that she understood and fought for what was important for the development of all our children. For that I am thankful that I served alongside Judy Haas. I am grateful that she continues to want to serve our beloved Hillsborough community and encourage you to vote for Judy Haas for Board of Education on Tuesday, November 7.
Thuy Anh Le