‘Supplies for Scholars’ succeeds again

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – For the second consecutive year, the youth group at the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine used their time and talents to benefit others, and their efforts are being recognized by community organizations.

According to a press release, during 2016, Lexi Santitoro, the community service chair, brought an idea for a program she named “Supplies for Scholars” to a youth group board meeting.

Members of the youth group got behind Lexi’s idea and made it a reality, with the goal of ensuring that children in need who attend elementary school in Freehold Borough and Freehold Township had the supplies they needed to become scholars.

Lexi, her brother, Vincent, and the rest of the youth group repeated that effort this year by once again collecting school supplies. The young people’s initiative has attracted the attention of other community organizations, according to the press release.

During a recent meeting, two representatives from Knights of Columbus Council 1672, Freehold Borough – Grand Knight Gino Iacovella and John Belbol – presented a check to Lexi and the youth group in the amount of $500 to be spent on school supplies for both school districts, according to the press release.

The members of the youth group were overwhelmed and appreciative of the Knights’ donation, according to the press release.

But the night was not over. Margaret Salvatore, whose sons are in the youth group and whose daughter, Ava, is in Girl Scout Troop 539, led by Rosa Gershenow, presented Lexi with backpacks full of school supplies that the troop members collected for the program.

Jeanne Marinello, the youth group coordinator, said she wants to build on the “Supplies for Scholars” program by looking for other opportunities where help is needed.

“Lexi inspires all the youth group kids to bring their ideas to the group and to help start projects that help others,” Marinello said. “We are a very fortunate parish because all the members of the youth group, and our parishioners for that matter, have that spirit and heart to give back. It is amazing to watch year after year. It’s like magic and it’s a win-win.”