Ward 4 resident does not support Rosencranz for council

I am responding to a letter sent by Brian Cahill, council president of Old Bridge, in regard to supporting council candidate Alan Rosencranz (Council president endorses Rosencranz, Suburban, Oct. 11).
I live in Ward 4 in Old Bridge in Society Hill. I initially voted for Rosencranz when he first ran against a Democrat then, Kevin Calogera. Unfortunately for Ward 4, he has done nothing.
When I asked him to do something to curtail the speeding through our complex, which is nested between Cottrell Road and Route 516, all he managed to do was place a truck that could monitor the driving speed on Thames Drive. It would show the speed as the cars drove closer to it. That was all. That did nothing. I was asking for a police presence, be it an unmarked car or a hidden police car. The truck showing the speed of the drivers only slowed them down as they were approaching. As soon as the cars passed, they started speeding again. The speed limit is 25 mph. It is a residential complex with many children in it.
When I decided not to vote for him anymore and ran for committee chairwoman for Ward 4 he “bumped me.” I will never support him.
Catherine Roth
Old Bridge