Reader Submitted
To the editor:
I am writing to express my utmost belief that Harrison “Harry” Burke is an exceptional candidate for the Hillsborough Township Council. While I am not a resident of Hillsborough, I have been a sixth grade teacher in the school district for over twenty years. I have seen Hillsborough grow into the community it is today, just as I have seen Harry grow into the dedicated, passionate, and selfless man he has become. Harry was not just a student of mine for one school year, he and his family sought to continue our friendship beyond his sixth grade year. Over the years, Harry joined books clubs I ran and we met often to work together on his schoolwork. He was constantly working to push himself to know and do more, a trait of his that has not diminished.
Harry was born and raised in Hillsborough and appreciates what the town has offered him and his family. This goes beyond a safe place to have a home to include how we educate our children, how we effectively use our resources, and how we plan to capitalize on talent within our community. In Harry, Hillsborough will gain a passionate advocate who understands that government is more than balancing a budget. Harry wants to be a voice for people who are often unheard. He his serious about his commitment to build relationships. He works to understand the nuances of a problem or a dilemma and is able to clearly articulate a position that will be in the best interest of the people of Hillsborough. Harry understands what his community has to offer its residents, but he also knows there is always room to grow. As a result, Harry is person who is always looking ahead, who is progressive in his thinking, and who will work to move us forward with dignity and integrity.
On a personal note, I can not be more proud to witness Harry give back to his community with his candidacy for town council. Yet, I can not say I am surprised he would put his community first and would want to be part of the process ensures its future. I realize the popular characterizations of the millennial generation of which Harry is a member; however, if they have any of the character, drive, intelligence, integrity, and dedication of Harry Burke, I feel completely secure with my future in their hands. I encourage the residents of Hillsborough to consider Harrison Burke for town council with immense pride and gratitude.
Dr. James Lattanzi
Teacher, Hillsborough Township School District