Reader Submitted
To the editor:
As a parent, I know how important sports are for kids. Our three boys have been on cross country, swimming, hockey and lacrosse teams. Some of their friends have chosen other sports, like football, baseball and soccer.
While being part of a team provides kids with exercise and lessons in fair play, self-discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship, parents benefit as well. Tracy and I have met many families throughout Hopewell Township and have had the opportunity to help out in many ways, from providing snacks to running the scoreboard.
We are fortunate that Hopewell Township offers recreational activities for adults as well. I have spent many hours training for marathons along the Delaware and Raritan Canal towpath. And the Lawrence Hopewell Trail, along with the many rural roads or the Township, are great for biking.
Recreation is not limited to sports. We have an outstanding Parks and Recreation Department that offers activities for residents of all ages. And we have an active Hopewell Valley Arts Council that offers community events, such as the recent Amazing Pumpkin Carve, as well as contests and encouragement for local artists, including amateur photographers like me.
Sports and recreational activities help to bring people together and foster a stronger sense of community. Mayor Kevin Kuchinski and I will work together to promote recreational activities of all types for everyone in the township.
On November 7, please vote for Michael Ruger and Kevin Kuchinski for Hopewell Township Committee.
Michael Ruger
Democratic Candidate for Hopewell Township Committee