Novak and Kilpatrick are leadership for Sayreville

Mary Novak and Vicky Kilpatrick are councilwomen Sayreville residents need to re-elect. They are working hard to keep Sayreville a safe place to live, adding surveillance cameras at the Senior Center and other locations in town. They are against the Republican-appointed Planning Board plan to create high density developments in the Melrose and Ernston road sections of town. They know this will lead to more traffic, unsafe roads for our children and higher taxes.

Mary and Vicky are strong advocates for our military veterans. Novak’s husband, Jim, is a war veteran; he and Mary know what an honor it is to serve our country but also know the difficulties veterans may face. Mary and Vicky are proposing affordable veterans housing for young and older veterans. And every veteran on the current and past civil service lists had the opportunity to apply for a police position in Sayreville.

On Nov. 2 at the Sayreville VFW from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. there is a Veterans Job and Resource Fair for all veterans and their family members conducted by Middlesex County. Mary and Vicky are visionaries with good ideas for Veterans and Sayreville residents.

So, on Nov. 7, vote for strong leadership. Vote line “B” for Mary Novak and Vicky Kilpatrick.

William Henry