Badge of honor

Courtesy photo
Cub Scout Pack 53, Dens 7 and 8, recently met with East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov to discuss “What a Mayor Does,” toward earning their “Building a Better World Adventure” pin. Mayor Mironov met with the group of 14 Cub Scouts in town hall and answered their questions about the role and responsibilities of a mayor as well as current events in East Windsor Township. Building a Better World is one of four Arrow of Light CORE adventure requirements. In this adventure, scouts learn all about citizenship including the rights and duties of citizens, local government, improving our communities through conservation, and connecting with Scouts in different countries. The Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouts. Pictured (from left to right) are: (first row) Aiden Wilton; Aidyn Lisk; JD Simon; Jack Rubin; (second row) Robert Kelly; Omnamas Soma; Maahir’s Chadha; Peyton Atlak; (third row) Gayle Wilton, Den Leader; Robert McCleish, Den Leader; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Cormack Lazzaro; Jonathan Kecskes; Joshua Olukotun; Zach Pukel; Travis McCleish, and Noah Przytulski.