HOPEWELL: Longtime resident Theresa Vogler stumps for her husband Michael Ruger

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
Hopewell Township has been home for me since I was a child, even when I pursued my career elsewhere. In 1998, I had the chance to move back to the farm where I grew up with my parents, Ed and June Vogler. Joining me were my husband, Michael Ruger, and my son. Hopewell Township has changed a lot since the 1960s, but it still remains a wonderful place to live. My mother moved to the Four Seasons section of Brandon Farms, where she lived here until she died in 2012. Michael’s mother moved to Hopewell Township several years ago.
When I was growing up in Hopewell Township, sports were pretty much limited to the athletically talented. For the rest of us, there wasn’t much to do unless our parents or an older sibling or friend drove us, often a significant distance. This was a challenge for those of us with two working parents. That’s one of the reasons I support a community center. A community center isn’t just a place for athletics, although that is one important use. It’s also a place to come together to play, to learn, to engage with our community. There aren’t a lot of public spaces for these things. If you go to the Mercer County Library after school or in the evenings, you see how much need there is for such places. Michael supports building a community center. Many people talk about getting things done. Michael is not just words – he will make it happen within the budget and on time.
Michael understands the challenges facing our community. He knows that keeping taxes under control is critical to maintaining affordability for us. Through his work on the Finance Advisory Board, he understands everything that goes into our municipal budget (and what doesn’t, which includes school and county taxes). He will be a watchdog against unbridled spending. He will make sure we have the services we need.
Because of my mother and his own mother, Michael understands the challenges of senior living in a largely rural community. Aging in place has challenges here that are different that those living in an urban or suburban community. That’s why he supports a community center which would include dedicated spaces and services for seniors.
Many people are all talk and like to tell the world about their accomplishments. Michael isn’t comfortable talking about his accomplishments, although they are impressive. Michael listens to others and acts. He is not about self-promotion. Michael is hard-working and always looks out for other people. He is a creative thinker, and develops creative solutions to problems. Michael does it quietly so he often isn’t credited, but it gets done. Those qualities will serve us well in Hopewell Township. He is not running for Hopewell Township Committee for himself. He is running for all of us. There is no one I would rather trust with protecting our quality of life here in Hopewell Township, by fighting the pipeline and uncontrolled development.
Please join me in voting for Michael Ruger on November 7.
Theresa M. Vogler